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Financial Literacy

We offer personal finance education for students

We use different fun ways like storytelling approach to interactive games to teach the important money skills.

School Students
Financial Literacy

Financial markets are rapidly changing, with developments in technology and more complex financial products. We offering personal finance education for students to help them develop good financial habits, which they can carry with them throughout their lives. Being financially literate inspires the entrepreneurial spirit in them and also prepares them to face the challenges which the future withholds for them.

This training provides a strong foundation of financial literacy and guides children in financial discipline such as regular saving & investing, good debt management, and the achievement of life objectives.

Our trainers’ helps children identify the names of coins and grasp their relative values in terms of purchasing power. We use different fun ways like storytelling approach to interactive games to teach the important money skills. By undertaking the financial education training in adolescent age students will grasp basic financial concepts early on. Acquiring this knowledge will make them more educated consumers, productive employees, and better prepared for retirement.

Outcome of the Training

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